*shakes fist whilst sitting in front of his computer in Glasgow, Scotland* "Grrr, why I oughta!"
*shakes fist whilst sitting in front of his computer in Glasgow, Scotland* "Grrr, why I oughta!"
Does the final scene looks like a hippy version of Apocalypse Now, or is it just me?
I agree with your points, both of you, but the article is also discussing the size of the cult/religion/scam in numbers of adherents, so the question (as it appeared to me) referred to it being the "fastest growing" religion.
You could, just don't refer to physical mutilation or slang for genitalia and you'll be fine.
I have a problem with the title of this article as Scientology is obviously just an incredibly well-connected pyramid scheme - giving it the label of "religion" simply dignifies it's quasi-mystical pscho-babble bullshit.
"Wales is the British equivalent of New Jersey."
Well, if they manage something like, say, The Usual Suspects, with Verbal's interview stitching the story together, it'll be pretty good, I'd say.
I would have thought he'd be playing the interviewer, surely - all the segments are the transcripts of interviews given to the author of the report that became the book.
Holy hell - I've always had vague but very fond memories of that show but had no idea what it was called...
Or France?
Ahh, one of Dan Ackroyd's finest moments...
You do understand the entire concept of reviews, right? Otherwise why did you read this?
For a second I read the box as "The Flesh" Goo Poo, then realised no toy company would ever be that honest about their product...
As the partner of a Dane who, despite being an avowed humanist, holds the Norse pantheon very close to her heart and bridles at any mention of them in a less than respectful manner (that includes Gaiman), I say thee hell yes to Manothor!
Well, it's not Azad, but it sounds pretty good...
Fair enough. I think in this instance it's simply a case of it being put in with a lot of sci-fi films and a distinction not being made for it. It is still fantasy (if slight), so still fits in with the article's premise.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy films. It's Beowulf by another name.
It tells you on the next line. That film was The Postman.
I clicked beca... Ow! What the hell?
I clicked because then the researcher gives me a biscuit.