Discodave: R.O.A.C.H. M.O.T.E.L.

Walt Patterson is a nuclear physicist and has apparently been a spokesman for Friends of the Earth. Now, I'm not suggesting he's manipulating the media into negatively reporting the story, but he does seem to lean towards the anti-nuclear side of the debate.

An expert on the BBC has just suggested it's probably hydrogen from the vented gases reacting to cause an explosion but that most of the radioactive material will have an extremely short half-life and will be harmless in a matter of weeks.

Well, if we're going for books yet to be made into movies, surely we should allow the Moscow subway system in Metro2033? Especially if we're having to go back to 70s New York for one of the 10 that DID make it?

That was Oldman as Old Dracula? Damn, I could have sworn it was Glenn Close...

The annoying thing is I can write some parts, I just tend to go for the big scenes rather than the bits in between. I managed 25,000 words one NaNoWriMo, but it read like clips from a trailer giving way too much away...

The world needs more Invisibles references - just doing my part ;)

I'd like to think I have a pretty good idea for a superhero. Even the name is fairly original. Now I just need to learn how to draw, write and design comics...

I'm slightly ashamed to be nitpicking this list as there's a ton of awesome there but, wasn't Ming killed by War Rocket Ajax on Mongo whilst Earth was about to be destroyed? Ming never really entertained any thoughts of invading. He was just bored.

Well, it's a bit confusing in Morrison's mind, but Colonel Friday and Mr Quimper probably fit: they like messing with people's heads; they live in Area 51 and they represent a shadowy cabal of other-dimensional nasties...

Surely "love" is the most powerful weapon of all?

That's one alien life-form I'm hoping is NOT a romantic option for Shepard...

NASA using Spice for navigation purposes now?

Looks pretty good (although I think the budget may be a tad miniscule). I'm just thankful Danny Dyer appears to be too old to appear in it...

Reading the synopsis of 8), all I can think of is that a Jeff Noon adaptation would really take the weird crown - the world's not that different in, say, Vurt, but at the same time it's completely insane.

Thank you for mentioning Orlan - I was despairing of anyone ever making that connection...

I might go along with you were it not for the fact that the last portion of Goldfrapp's career was a thinly-veiled pastiche of T Rex. And Gaga's a better singer.

I don't think it's so much that a story should have a happy ending, more that if you want to be able to watch the film/read the book again, it's probably a good idea to make it upbeat.

I'd place a bet on Garrison making something out of this but... it's too damn easy.

Funny, I though you might have something to say about this.

Apologies for the late reply (No comment notification or even a comment showing up on my profile...).