
As someone who enjoyed the hell out of it and is waiting on pins and needles for the Phantom Liberty dlc, thank you for working on it. The hard work has paid off, and there will be moments from this game I will remember forever. You guys deserve at least twenty medals for all the bullshit you’ve likely had to go

As someone who worked on it... I’m happy you finally gave it a real chance and got some enjoyment out of it. :)

Daily reminder that Twitter doesn’t matter, isn’t real, and every second you spend on there represents money in Elon Musk’s pocket. Stop talking about Twitter. Stop linking to Tweets. Get off Twitter.

Yeah... I’m going to be set on fire and banned forever for this, and I’m saying it anyway.


Collect your 200 rubles vatnik. You aren’t American or a single mother. Our help to Ukraine against Russia’s barbaric and criminal invasion is justified and not hurting anyone’s finances in the US.

It’s just the monthly roundup of what’s coming to a pass with monthly updates man, chill.

People are so weird.

Ditto. My other personal fav is making very large guns into very small guns.

I have an early transcript: “Me, me, me, mememe, me, Meeeee, me”!

You’re a racist troll. So your opinion is worthless on any matter.

The grifters will be calling it WOKE! AHHH!!! Buy my coffee! AHHH!!! Join my patreon!!!! AHHH!!! I hate diversity and gay people! AHHH! Give me money!!!

I’m just going by the quote in the article b/c I did not watch the video, but LOL at Bure advising her followers to be mindful in their interactions with others - not because it’s the right thing to do but because “even a 10 second trending TikTok video can do damage”. Just as Jesus always said.  

This news will be received well, the reaction will be moderate, and sensible discourse will take place.  

Man, I feel like this is kind of a stretch. Like you’re groping for a criticism where there isn’t really anything to be said about it.

I liked when the kitty got a bag stuck on its head. 

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

The most maidenless behavior...

No, you want propaganda. A reporter’s job is not to state the “benefits of NFTs.” Their job is to report the truth. And the truth of the matter is, there are no uses for NFTs that are not better handled than the way things are.

They represent nothing (quite literally, in fact; they represent nothing tangible), and contribute nothing to the future.