
Idea: rather than sell at a fixed price, allow bidding. After the bidding period ends, the top [venue size] bidders are awarded tickets. Kinda kills the little guy, but isn't this happening anyway?

Mind the (Darien) Gap, GEOHotz.

Removing the government connection would take the "P" out of NPR, making it no different than a standard private news organization. Goodbye tax deduction, goodbye "do good" image, goodbye perception of necessity. And I can promise that few "donate" to the NYT, FOX news or any other private news organization. They

@aec007: To be fair, I carry much less when I travel now — in fact, I do not even own a non-carry on bag. I suspect this is a popular travel strategy, thus reducing overall cargo.

Ok, am I the only who thought lunar landfill?

@SparklyJesus: Whiskey AND m&ms? THis weekend can't happen quickly enough.

A low-five might make more sense.

On a related note, I have been far more productive at work since the switch.

FTA They were bought by the prisoner's girlfriend and family to sell for cash outside the jail. They were only coached by the prisioner

"I see you worship things that fly. Good."

@LearnIIBurn: Ahh, I remember the power rangers too...

@Quark2011: Or maybe just change the battery? Nevermind.....


Could it send other instructions, say about 5 numbers and a powerball?

@The K Gee19: Guinea pigs are excellent pets, I had them as a kid.

Wait .... he can't fly?

Just for reference, Star Trek proved how dumb this looks in the 90s.

This has been my dream since the mid 80s. I love the future.