
[You can get your HDTV] in "any color you want, so long as it's black."

"I hope you like Spearmint!"

@Eruanno: Agreed, but this dialogue wasn't possible in January 2007. That's when I bought my Wii.

how much is the one without the Apple logo?

@Curves: It is the enforcement, not the concept, of the death penalty that is controversial.

@HK-47: I am with you. Well, right after the first movers makes sure this thing works. My PS3 will be rock solid until then.

Write a book. Rinse. Repeat.

@Anonymoose: it already has for guitar. tab isn't just for soda anymore.

@dparks: sure, EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A PARTY IN THESE LAWSUITS . Why would Justice be behind an investigation? Hint: it is not on the DOJ page.

@Geisrud: Do kids even know what model airplanes are anymore. Meanwhile, I bet the kid who originally assembled the iPhone was about the same age......

Buy no-iron/traveler men's dress shirts for work. Machine wash, hang dry. With what you save in dry-cleaning (travel, time, etc.) the shirts will make you money inside of a year.

Bohan from Heavenly Sword. I am playing the game now and am quite impressed.

@skaven: I would say "DO NOT WANT" too, but as a PS3 owner I don't get the choice.

@Jon Q: my question is: am I compelled to buy/not buy a new television or will adapters and software offer a third way.

"oh, hi Mom ... hold on, let me switch to the other line" #theeroticaphone