Can’t root for the MAGAites and the Death Star. Another privileged QB getting in those clutch plays after New England referees do their usual. An * belongs next to all their names for crying their way to rings. No other team takes the honor out of the game like post 9/11 Patriots.
I’m rooting for Bane.
I’m cheering for the meteor.
Vikings fan here and there is no loss that could make me root for the Patriots.
I hope they both lose.
alright, you win.
Actually it’s cool.
The truck simulation games are great(ETC2 and now ATC). It is one of those games that you think, how can people enjoy this, it looks boring. But it is not boring, it is soothing. It is the best way to relax, listen to a podcast/favorite tracklist, some beer/other drink/food you enjoy and it tranquilize you with its…
Man, the Intercontinental Championship Belt still gets no respect.
Pfft, Vlad would’ve crushed that one for a stand-up double.
Looks like a “How To” cheat sheet for indy wrestlers ring names. Tonight in a prebroken table, one ladder and a plastic chair match! The team of Calder Hale and Jaxson Cross vs. Ryley Cannon and Ridley Tyson!
Yeah originally I was gonna throw in a paragraph about how much he sucks but it didn’t seem fair to single him out when he has so many teammates who also suck.
You clicked on Jeff Teague.
David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jets
Pick your battles, NBA officials. Golden State’s decision last week seemed a bit more egregious.
Quick on the draw this one.
I don’t see any yellow’d he expect me to know where to look?