
These cars were the definition of unreliable in the 90's. My friend had one and the heater core gave out while driving, Hot coolant spraying on your feet, who wouldn’t love that? Electrical issues and bugs so bad you were sure you were in The Matrix. CP for infinity.

Are rose coloured glasses optional?


Giant Cheeto is that old guy in a Subway yelling threats and rambling while people tune him out and go on with their lives...

Passat: Designed and manufactured in the US and A. You couldn’t tell????

Idiot doesn’t even begin to describe this complete moron. Sure, take away German cars and put thousands of American workers out of a job. Real smart...

This + Minivan + 300 miles to go....nothing worse.

It’s a Ford....Still valid

Yeah, but then you will be seen driving around in an i3.

Looks like he’s earned the name “The Situation”.


Upgrades? ... I took the restrictor plate off, give the Red Dragon a little more juice

Power + HOV lane access

The best band you can see live, period.

Try that in my neighborhood and the residents will return gunfire.

My first thought was....TDI?

CP....but at least the mileage seems honest.


Damn, that was hard to watch...like watching Trump greeting foreign leaders.