Pfft, Sunfire owners....
Pfft, Sunfire owners....
Not to be “that guy” but isn’t the song about a clit?
Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking of this!
Jesus, that song was fucking awful.
Well, looks like my daily driver is for sale now....
Awww c’mon, it’s not like the keys fell out while they were driving ....
Who needs brains when you have money??? amirite???
I’m a gearhead at heart, one more car enthusiast show is always a good thing. I’ll give a it a chance. Go ahead, throw internet stones at me....
Well that sucks.......sorry, I’ll show myself out now.....
Prius Prime Plugin? Phucking marketing genius’ !
Aw c’mon Jalop! We’ve all been there, right? RIGHT????
and likely, flying pedestrians in the future.
Agreed. However, law enforcement deals with that, not motorists. If someone wants to do 90 in the left lane, it’s not my responsibility to slow them down.
Nope. The left lane is for passing, the right lane is for progressing. The highway code has no exceptions for dangerous driving.
Better yet, that car ends up on the other side of the highway causing a massive accident. Yeah, real smart.
Not sure how different this is from the video that was posted from China that shows a driver flipping his VW because of a lane change dispute. Idiots, they are everywhere. You can NEVER win an argument with an idiot. Let them pass and be on your merry way.
The solution is ALWAYS banana peels and turtle shells.
Right, because endangering other people’s lives is more important. Move the fuck over and everyone gets home safely.