
@prr: You can save a lot at Costco. You have to be careful, because some things aren't much cheaper. Most home improvement items aren't, tires usually aren't, and electronics are only marginally cheaper. And some grocery items aren't any cheaper than they would be at Aldi. But I save enough on things like bread, milk,

@the_Sleepwalker: If you have enough memory, 100,000. The setting of -1 means a set default based on the amount of memory you have; it's not dynamic based on the amount of unused RAM you have.

@Mickets: By default, both the disk and memory cache will be turned on. And if Firefox is storing something in the memory cache, it won't store it in the disk cache. They're meant to be complementary.

As far as I can tell from reading [kb.mozillazine.org] and https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Mozilla_Networking_Preferences , this isn't exactly the equivalent of disk caching. The memory cache stores uncompressed, undecoded images, user chrome, and SSL pages, but not the actual HTML/CSS for the pages.

@virgilstar: It will save you a ton of writes, and if you have a slower SSD (say, in a year-old netbook) it will give a huge speed boost too since random writes tend to be pretty slow on some of those.

@xodus52: Supposedly the shelf life of the chips themselves, whether you're using them or not, is around 10 years.

@aarste: Whitson Gordon is right. It means the wear leveling is

@Zero: It could be this red flag was one of the things that tipped authorities off.

@TheFu: In my area, that pretty much eliminates anyone on the ballot, except for independents and candidates for parties other than the major two.

@morejunk4me: Both my LED and dimmable CFLs are from Home Depot, their standard house brand. Neither of the kids have ceiling fans yet; I'll have to do something different once they do.

@theimmc: It depends on your definition of "better." The last time I bought a package of CFL bulbs, they asked me which color I wanted. They had three samples there in the store. My wife liked the harshest one. I liked the softest one.

@Clixx13: They are. Westinghouse Digital even prints the power requirements of their LED TVs right on the box. They use about half the power of a CFL-backlit TV.

@Ian Logsdon: I have a 5w bulb and like it. I'll be buying more, for those lights that are on the most frequently. As the cost comes down, I'll buy even more.

@Prairie Moon: It's crude but sometimes necessary. I normally just do it from the task manager, but understand the appeal of having a batch file to do it.

@geolemon: You could probably do it for a couple hundred bucks, which isn't much compared to $7,000 worth of hard drives.

@junyo: We don't know what's in the next room over. The only thing better than a rig like this is TWO rigs like this, right?

@Dark lord me: The trouble with that is that due to varying optics in cameras and variances in printers, you won't get an exact color match.

Rupert Murdoch delenda est.

@wjglenn: I tally up $206 when you opt for the $50 cordless drill, which leaves $44 for the odds and ends like the assortment of screws, nails, drywall hangers. And sales tax.