“No one spends that much time on their physique except gay dudes.”
“No one spends that much time on their physique except gay dudes.”
Only gay guys care about their health? Holy shit bro. You are a living stereotype.
I would love to hear you pronounce her name Marchman
Do you think the ironmaster quick change kettlebell is a good investment?
You would be an unfit parent at best judging by your comments. Small favors.
Also, Scott Evil.
Scott Wolf
Animals are not people. Atleast he didnt dump the animal on the side of the road. Rehoming is just animal adoption. Painful but better than the alternative in most cases. I would know. People who treat animals better than human beings are scum.
My guy told me the same thing. Then it took me 4 months to process my refund and made me pay 150 to do it. Basically, just could have used turbo tax then saved money and got my refund faster. Never again. I wish I had good luck like you did.
My guy told me the same thing. Then it took me 4 months to process my refund and made me pay 150 to do it.…
Let it sit for 20 minutes while you eat dinner. Then it tastes like regular ice cream.
Let it sit for 20 minutes while you eat dinner. Then it tastes like regular ice cream.
Rape happens. Also false accusations happen. Waiting to hear more evidence is never a bad thing. If more people reserved judgment then we would be a better society.
You are full of shit lol. You know nothing. Stop it. Just stop it.
Your friend has to go into public without a shower since the night before after sweating and mas...I prefer a morning shower. Lmao
Tried to love it but just could not. I loved Halo 4. Played the crap out of it.
NFL games. The only place you in public you can still fight old guys and not be looked down upon.
Microwave for 10 seconds and you got it good as new. Found almost expired bars for 2 for a dollar on cases of quest bars. Snatched like 5 bucks worth that will last me for months.
Thats registeted voters. Which makes my point. Overall, minorites dropped the ball.
He got more black and latino than Romney did. Stop blaming white people for minorities not coming out to vote