
Amazon is really stretching the limit of what 2 day shipping is. Sometimes 3 sometimes 4. Sometimes a preorder book gets here 2 weeks after release.

How is it free if you pay a subscription price?

Google is a really cool invention huh? All I see is my posts regurgitated. If thats all you got then we will go forever.

You dont even know the meaning.


Go back to Jezebel with that crap. That blindly calling out of sexism or racism doesnt fly with me. This is a game site. Stop interjecting.

You are the Donald Trump of Kinja lol.

Speaking of reading comprehension...are you just making things up again? Tsk tsk. Go back and read about logic of my post. You are like meta reading incomprehension inside of a reading incomprehension reply that you never thought throughin the first place. Inception of reading incomprehension. Plus a troll.

Just because you dont believe in the devil doesnt mean he doesnt believe in you. Unfortunately your attempts to address my logic and sentence editing fall very flat, sweety.

You are such a bad troll too. It took way too long for you to respond to me. Trolls usually have no life. You seem like you had your head buried in a hooked on phonics lesson. Good for you! Reading is everything.

If you called me on logic I would be fine and accept it. But you are just trying to make yourself seem like you did not not mess up and forget to read! It really is sad at this point the lengths that you would go to try to cover your mistake. Here we are and you still will not let it go. You did not read correctly.

Lol lets say they are bad and should feel bad. They will never get an order from me.

She is annoying but I find most youtubers annoying. She is good so let her put her persona out there and make some money. Haters 

I worked at Grubhub. I would never order from them

Reading is fundamental. You have to learn to walk before you can crawl. I wouldnt be surprised if you were dictating these responses to someone else.

Sad day for games but I am so glad he doesnt smile for pics anymore. That is one creepy smile.

Man you put so much energy into trying to make yourself not look foolish you proved my point for me. That post is unedited girlfriend. You just cant read lol

If anyone cared to read this they could clearly see that you stepped in it. You are stubborn. That is good because the more you fight the more I know I am right.

My argument is you are wrong on so many points yet you still try? It is like watching the titanic sink. You just throw assertions out there like just because you said it was or is true. Remind me of my drunk aunt at christmas.

Or booty eating in the parking lot