
Wentz looks good tonight! Chicago sucks balls this year but their D aint bad! Cutler just threw another pick but O line sucks again.

Cordon bleu

Im not though...

We are not arguing. I already won...

“Yeah, wouldn’t it be great if they just did the same things over and over again, with no ambition to possibly of doing something new and interesting?”

Grade A sarcasm right there

You made great points. The guitar hero peripherals are something I forgot about! That was about the only one besides light gun that was popular.

COD,Madden and FIFA.

Can you imagine the games that could be made or made to be better if Sony stopped with their “experiments”? Move and VR recently come to mind. Maybe some interesting games that are not quite AAA titles could get made again. VR is cool but it will not become widespread enough in time to make companies enough money to

Who buys new models everytime they are available? That answer to both is someone always will. Atleast our game doesn’t need mods to look pretty.

Did univision make you guys change anything?

I imagine a Japanese company using their faces as molds for sex bots.

Reminds me of Mutations from left for dead 2. Realism VS. is the only way to play that game.


Fuckin A right! Lee Emery is under represented in our world.

I used to deposit at ATMs all the time. Never knew my phone could do it! I had it right at launch tho.

In Condemned and 2 you were not confined to a house surviving. There were a mixture of levels that advance the story. The house reminds me of the mansion in RE. The hillbillies remind me of Texas Chainsaw. Condemned 2's story was weird with the family but I never got a cannibalistic vibe. Cultish for sure!

I dont know that you even played Condemned or part 2. They were detective games with paranormal tones. The second had a brutal fight system. This is far from Condemned or RE. Which can be a good thing.

God damn raptors always chased me from room to room! I remember after getting the shotgun I tried to conserve bullets and had to restart the game completely with a very poor save choice. Over ride instead of new slot. :(