
Well, what can you do? After all, African-American voters turned out in record numbers to stop Trump from taking over and shitting all over Obama’s legacy, right? Oh, that’s right, they didn’t.


Also, the fact that you’re going to try and defend your stupid little conspiracy theory about a meaningless, for fun website poll on a black interests site “in context”, when it’s literally you shouting unhinged nonsense into the void really tickles my funny bone. So thanks for that.

I’m not calling you racist, I’m pointing out all the racist things you’ve said in the past two weeks.

We’re way past that, you’re a walking caricature:

Shit you got me. That’s what I get for not following my own advice. Well played you sad little racist troll.

Unless you’re in the ~8% of wealthiest people in this country, and judging by your internet commenting availability you aren’t, you’re never going to be anything but a slightly useful idiot.

Keep digging that hole you scared, simple little man.

Anyone who looks through my comment history will see I don’t support Trump. Anyone who looks through yours will see a whole lot more of your insubstantial, unhinged ranting about whatever made up out-group you want to use to discredit concepts and ideas you’re unable to address.

Starting in Fort Washington/Willow Grove isn’t starting in Philly though. You’re cutting out at least 30 minutes to an hour of getting from the city to your arbitrary (to us) starting point.

If you honestly believe that you need to look back at your rhetoric in this thread and realize all these labels you’re trying to assign to people who disagree with you, and how quick you are to do so, is about as Trumpian as you can get.

What’s more Trump-like, my ironic use of “sad!” or your deflection?

Don’t get pissy at me that you don’t understand the value of building coalitions, snowflake.

You loud and proud neoliberals are unhinged

I want the artist to understand and admit that she completely doesn’t understand her subject matter instead of further insisting she’s down or whatever. That’s where the insult is to me.

As long as it was delivered ironically that’s a pretty good bit of banter, tbh.

You do realize that’s not how AirBnb works, right?

So many women I know have horror stories from cabs. At least with Lyft and Uber they’re able to identify the offender.