
Yes, they are conscripting all able bodied humans, boy or girl, into a war for the survival of humanity. If they lose the entire human race is eradicated. What is the problem here?

I’m curious why you believe that Venezuela, a country with more than 50% of its GDP dependent on oil, is a solid analogue for what the US economy would look like with universal healthcare?

fuck up any chances by being absolute dicks and not trying to reach out

Ah yes, just like their hard work in the 2016 election has really set us up to “get things done” these next four years.

She was 57. What generation are you referring to as coddled and who is the “we” in this statement?


Does Chipotle?

If somehow in your world real, cheap Mexican food at a family taqueria in South Philly is more bougie than expensive, salmonella incubating Chipotle then yes, you got me, I’m bougie as fuck.

In what way would she possibly be “in the right” without the “Mama Bear” comment?

Of course exposing an ice cream parlor to poop and pee is disgusting. Don’t change your kid where people eat, especially in public. It doesn’t seem like that difficult of a guideline to follow.

She’s basically the perfect villain

Or maybe you should let these artists express themselves as brown men in America.

Key phrase here is “when they started to investigate”. Meaning that at some point CNN opened up an investigation into the identity of a guy who made a shitty wrestling gif; further destroying their credibility.

But he’s so bad at it.

Yep, everything perfectly

CNN conducted an investigation into the identity of a gif maker. Please, keep trying to defend them.

Would you have preferred he ran as a third party candidate?

Yes it wasn’t definitely Sanders’s fault and not the Clinton campaign that relied on analytics assuming she would be able to turn-out the vote at the same level as Obama.

If Covington only gets $13 mil a year I’ll be ecstatic.

Or it won’t matter how he plays because it’s a one year year deal.