
Democrats were CRUCIFIED by his supporters during the primary and election for trying to court Republican voters

Trump did significantly better with the two lowest income groups than Romney four years ago. Clinton in general had lower turnout than 2012, a VP candidate voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania could get excited for may have swung enough Stein or non-voters back to HRC.

Right, that’s why it always kind of felt like an impossible task for her to win. No other presidential candidate has ever had to overcome 25 years of negative campaigning.

Keep moving those goalposts. It’s impossible to say one way or another, European analysts aren’t prophets with some unique insight, and to claim otherwise is peak arrogance.

“You don’t have to get to paragraph three before it’s clear he would have been absolutely fucked over sideways in the election.”

You’re the only one here speaking in absolutes.

No the point is where they would’ve ended up at the end of those 6 months. If Bernie’s favorability rating was at 60% and it dropped 10% due to GOP oppo we’re still better off than HRC’s 45% not dropping any further.

You don’t live here so maybe you don’t understand how much people viscerally hate Hillary. They were willing to believe anything about her (see her trail of 33 bodies) because rightwing media has been demonizing her for the past 30 years. I don’t care how fat Bernie’s oppo research folder was, it would be literally

The investigation itself may have been built on a nothing-burger but the fact that she was under investigation was certainly not a nothing-burger. If the Democratic presidential candidate weren’t under FBI investigation there could’ve never been the Comey letter in October, for example.


Clinton’s scandals cannot be described as “nothingburgers” when they dictated her entire identity as a candidate. She was dealing with the email investigation in 2015 and somehow was unable to put it to bed to the point where it was still an issue on election day. Real or fake, perception is the only thing that

So the Democrats got to choose between a candidate who’s wife was under federal investigation, a candidate who was under federal investigation herself, and Martin O’Malley. And we wonder why we lost.

I think he’s arguing that if you wouldn’t disrespect a Muslim actress with this headline/article then you probably shouldn’t do it to a Scientologist, even if you think her religion is a cult.

Right? Their projection is fascinating to watch.

Because in both cases men are most likely to be the abusers.

There’s millions of us that voted for Hillary in November that blame her and her campaign for losing to the least popular presidential candidate in US history.

Blaming this past election on outside factors when the Democrats lost at every level from President to local comptroller is the best way to guarantee a repeat in 2018.

If you honestly believe there’s a simple explanation to any of this then I both envy and pity you.

Pretty sure there are more elections than just the presidential...