
New Yorks alright...

I really wish he would just STFU. He is totally ruining whatever positive perception I had of him since I was a child. What a bummer.

This just looks like rotting seagull to me.

I don’t know... maybe it’s because she has a history of being a complete asshole and shouldn’t be glorified?

This bummed me out so much. Thanks for writing this, Amy. This is a wonderful example of love. Good luck to you and your family.

“get a grip” is aggressive and inflammatory?

In fact, men seeking this cut are often times told to just go to a military barber and ask for it “high and tight”.

As an American of Mexican heritage, i think you should just shut the fuck up. Those kids were doing the right thing.

You and I are not watching the same video. Also, you are a coward.

Fighting? Hardly, mysticlightisnotaWASP!

This should be etched into the brain of every young person. This.

Bernie Bros aren’t even a real thing. Why don’t you just say “fuck you” to people who are blowhard republican, people who voted for trump because of their distrust of hillary, and people who just didn’t vote?

Yeah. .. whatever you say, Balaji.

This is soooooo Jacksonville!

You were obviously abused. Not everyone who was spanked as a child has a negative experience or was a victim of abuse. Get a grip.

Look at yourself in the mirror and then say “Fuck me” because your kind had just as much, if not more, to do with this than just “men”. My fellow POC men had her back. you’re people (women) dropped the ball. So let me say, FUCK YOU.

This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever read.

Maybe in WeHo. Most “young” Californians would be referring to that white.

It’s fucking drug talk! If you think otherwise, it’s because you’re an old.