
Just sayin’...

We call that Freedom Foam.

Give it time. Soon he will have written all the best pages. Great pages. Yuge pages. Nobody writes pages like Donald Trump writes pages.

“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”

The tell-all books after this campaign is over are going to be amazing.

Give Trump a Samsung Note7. That way he can share in all those sick burns he dishes out on Twitter.

What is he supposed to do, land on the grass like every other president? I hear the last guy to land his helicopter on the lawn was [whispers] a black. Can’t have that.

They worried that this was big government telling people what to feed their kids.

Guys. Guys? Guys.

Some people refuse to get their cats fixed and when they are in heat those same owners fail find to them when they run away to mate. Ad those shitty owners to ones that just turn the cats loose instead of taking them with them when they move and you got enough people to keep the simple problem from being solved

you want to know what is an ecological disaster responsible for the extinction of thousands of species? People. People wipe out 50 species a month.
how did rats and cats and coyotes become the dominant predators? because People wiped out all the other small and medium predators opening an ecological niche and

We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.

“A monster of a human being. The worst person I’ve ever worked with in my life.” - I don’t know, that sounds kind of generous.

There’s definitely a conflict. However, it’s not necessarily an obvious one. What I mean by that is if her husband works for a law firm that happens to have Sony as a client, but her husband doesn’t specifically work on Sony cases, it’s possible she didn’t know. Some law firms are global. If the London office of a law

I can’t tell you how frequently people don’t catch it when I joke that I have my law degree from SVU.

Vodka, neat and chilled.

Well, no. Weaver is simply a politics guy. He’s that way for whoever is writing his check. He’s like the anti- Toby Zeigler.