
I'm from Evansville and have spent time in some areas of Posey County (although not where Joelle was found, for the record) and yes, there are some total creepholes there, as well as in some of the other rural areas.

Do you ever feel like you can't eat, drink, or enjoy anything because you're constantly worried about how it will impact your health?

I've always liked Biden, from the eloquently-stated comments such as these (and these are on POINT) to the hands-in-the-air-wave-them-like-you-just-don't-care "MALARKEY!" moments. A friend of mine once called him a loose cannon, but I think it's the opposite. I think he's been around so long that he just doesn't give

I was going to post a silly gif, but tears started streaming down my face. THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOE. Sometimes the years of war against women just fucking wears you down, so when you hear this so plainly by someone so amazing, it just blows you away.

It doesn't even have to be the backwoods. Look at what Ariel Castro got up to in A CITY. With close-packed houses and people all over the place. If that kind of horrible shit can happen on a busy city block, I can't even begin to think about what potential there is for these secluded backwoods locations.

It also works well to shut down people who blather on about how I should just give her a chance.

People get pretty uncomfy when I start getting real about why she's out of my and my parent's lives, sometimes I just go with "she's terrible"

Horrifying yes, but at least you have a good explanation. Whenever people ask me why I don't talk to members of my family all I've got is "because they're terrible."

Yeah, that's the biggest question I had also. The thing is, the details they reveal to the public/media at this phase are so restricted, we may not know for awhile. I had a whirlwind of guesses/assumptions (which really aren't fair to him at this point, honestly). My first guess, if he knew this guy (who would later

I don't like people anymore. Is there some way I can avoid all people forever?

After helping Ricky House run some errands, he was shown the cage where Joelle Lockwood had been held captive. "She had a t-shirt on, and that was it," says Higgs.

Bugs better break out the jigsaw, it'll be a lot more complicated than Florida.

$12,500 for a single vacation? Bye.

He more than likely was not a professional. My boss hires catering companies and the guys they send are awful sometimes. They ask if you want red, or white wine. They are mostly young guys that have no idea about wine.

Hold on, you worked at a place that sold blizzards AND wall sconces?

- My co-worker who spelled tossed (as in tossed salad) "tost" and also spelled cucumber "Qcumber" in total seriousness.

I was wondering how she was planning to pay for the fat? Like, if the fat was free - how do you discount the fat price from the total price?

I find this mildly terrifying, rabbits can bite really hard.