
All I can really communicate now is a burning desire for mozzarella sticks. THANKS PINKHAM.

" Thanks for tweeting us! I'm the social media person and I'm realizing some serious assholes work for this organization, so I meant it when I said thanks."

Lookin good.

"(WARNING: You may turn into a bald eagle about halfway through this clip.)"

I'm getting nintendo just thinking about it.

It's Nintendo as hell. Makes you feel all... Nintendo.

There you go using all that logic again, Pyrax.

Wait - doesn't this just prove to me that the food is healthy for humans, which means it probably isn't designed specifically for dogs? Don't dogs and cats need different nutrition than humans?

I think you mean, "Maybe Won".

Wow. I read the original article at LA Weekly and the one here. This man has some really amazing things to say about life.

Man... I love goats.

I strongly suspect it works just fine, when he's slipped something in it.

put him in my phone as "DO NOT ANSWER".

I was on a bus when I read your comment, and literally missed my stop because I was staring at my phone in horror.

It saddens me that all I can do is star your comment. If I had been there in person I would have high-fived you until my arm fell off.

For the record, I don't punch until I feel like they're coming on way too strong and they've ignored previous "no's." But yeah, punching is effective.

fuck yeah, more girls need to just punch dudes straight out. like dude what the hell did I just say.

Here ya go!