1. She can sing so stop trying to minimize her talent.
1. She can sing so stop trying to minimize her talent.
At first I thought he had been arrested on stage mid-musical, and now I am sorely disappointed.
Yeah, it's not like they have a rabid team of lawyers or a history of losing their shit over licensing violations. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to allow their intellectual property to be used in horribly drawn incest PSAs.
Between your affinity for Whataburger (at least their spicy ketchup) and Taco Johns I fear you're headed down a dangerous path.
speaking of which, the girl in the last photo above searching into the soul of the bag of Bugles is getting me randy.
Mwah! I love that you love my cat-loving, cellulite ridden butt!!
This is the above-mentioned husband. It's not about a low threshold, but about something that specifically turns me on. I have beat off to FAR less, and on the other hand, I have been nonplussed by things that turn most of my male friends on.
Oh, go fuck off. You only came here to troll, you're not actually looking for a debate. You're not going to change anyone's minds.
Question for any lawyers here:
Running up to someone to discuss their healthcare against their will and calling them a killer is harassment.
My rage stroke upon reading this earlier, and my similar "oh no, RBG, no . . ." is only mildly and perhaps in a delusional manner placated by the hopes that this represents a trade. RBG et al support a narrow (and it seemingly is, despite Roberts' removed-from-reality rhetoric) decision here and Roberts will join…
In a unanimous ruling (et tu, Justice Ginsburg?!?!), the Supreme Court has ruled in McCullen v Coakley that a…
Jessica Williams is awesome. I also enjoyed a similar bit on gun violence with Klepper and Che.
Considering most women don't even wear properly sized bras I have no doubts most men have no idea what those letters and numbers mean. After me and my honey had been dating for a few months he asked what size my bra was (he's not a boob dude, he was just curious) and I told him 36H. He looked at me and said 'wait,…
It's probably just fatigue but when I read "Woman Selfies Her Stroke," I had a radically different expectation of where this story was going.
If it gives people the warm fuzzies to think this was a decision based on morals or ethics, then by all means. Wrap yourself up in that blanket of delusion.
I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.
blabla STEM blabla drunk uncle blabla go somewhere cheaper blabla in my day! blabla old economy Steve blabla you deserve it