
I’ve worked my share of shitty service jobs, but this column makes me glad I avoided real restaurant work. The Sbarro’s counter at the mall food court was bad enough, and I’m well aware that was food service ‘light’.

I’m certain the last real Christmas I worked in retail (the car parts place doesn’t count), I came out of that holiday season 10% greyer than I started. Which is impressive at the age of 24. Thanks for the genes, Dad...

Nightmare fuel, thank you...

Considering it sounds like he was emotionally abusive, no, it wouldn’t (necessarily) be the same.

You know why I feel screwed over? Because the guy at Target said ‘Halo crossed with Borderlands’, and I friggin’ fell for it. I should know better, considering my past employment at Circuit City and such. And yet. And of course once I opened it, I couldn’t return it.

Calling Destiny a AAA title might be... premature.

I’m going to start by saying that I completely respect people having children from say age sixteen to 40ish. I will however cast some side-eye on new parents old enough to be grandparents (you know who you are)

Bastet was challenging you.

Yes, I have been lucky. Except for when my mom had cancer and died and my dad almost lost our house because of the bills and we eliminated things like trash pickup. Except when we nearly had to go on food stamps while she was still alive because my dad couldn’t find a job comparable to his old one, after getting laid

... My cats get hyper and run around for like half an hour, then they pass the F out. You must have really weird ones.

“If a person claimed that they injured their lower back, but then proceeded to jump on a trampoline in their front yard,”

You must not know many people then, or else you live in a densely populated city where everyone rents. Probably at least a third of my friends ‘own’ a home (leaving banks and taxes for another discussion). I know several business owners and am one myself. Some of my friends and family are well off, and have luxuries

Do you have a blender? Fancy cooking stuff? More clothes than you wear in a given year? Ten or more pairs of shoes? Shelves of books or movies, video games? More than a couple of basic personal hygeine items? Decorations in your home? Extra furniture? Fancy food items? I’ve had to live on the slim, more because I was

I have a great deal of respect for collectors. I am one myself, and I will be up front and say I have an ebay store as well, specializing mostly in games and related swag. I have actually had individuals sell me their collections and say that they probably would have just thrown stuff out if I hadn’t bought it.

One of my old bosses swore that his mother’s name was Mary Christine Smith (Mary Chris Smith), and her birthday was Dec. 25. I never had a chance to verify the story, but I honestly could believe it.

I think you’re being unfair to the cat with this comparison.

Both of my cats are male, and the older one (mine) is pretty bonded to me. He’s a bit of a wuss but in a way that is his way of protecting me; if he doesn’t like a person he hides from them. He’s been pretty accurate about it. He also herds me to bed and used to follow me on long hikes outside. The younger one knows

You know what always irritates me about people throwing around the word whore (besides the obvious)?

Yes, I’m suuuuuuure all these commenters are seriously ‘adopting’ Communism. Certain of it. I’m equally certain they’ll be happy to throw out/redistribute all of their luxury items, wealth, and property (aka land/houses) so that everyone is more equal. The land of Capitalism is no more!

Can’t emphasize the will thing enough. My father recently passed away, and despite two years of telling us he wanted his new wife to inherit half, never took care of updating it. Literally a week before, I brought it up again and he was all “I’ll do that”, but it ended up being too late. At the same time I have to say