
I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but given that it’s in the south especially (without knowing the size of the force however), I am inclined to think this is far more likely to be a case of ‘the new guy fucked up hard, throw him to the wolves’. Something kind of like that happened in the small southern NY

I would like to punch the administrator who wrote that, because clearly they’ve never taken a nutrition class. Peanut butter (from the jar, at least) is NOT a bad snack in moderation. I’m betting that statement is more to keep people from bringing in allergens.

I love Hemlock Grove, although the second season was somewhat questionable even for a horror show (which is what I classify it as). Just back away and let me keep my trashy TV, please...

This whole thing makes me want to write a screenplay (which granted I’ve never done) based on a reservation. Problem is, I don’t think any reservation would be too welcoming to a white woman wanting to do something like that, even a sympathetic one, and especially an unknown one. Plus it’d probably be a murder mystery

In a way that makes me sadder, because I can imagine that that was all the conversation they had. “Do you want to go?” “No.” “Okay”. I completely acknowledge that I’m probably manufacturing this in my head, but I wonder if any of the parents asked why, or if their kid knew the girl at all.

I’m starting to think current parents are largely being selfish on behalf of their kids. Not all, of course, but the ones we keep hearing about. This is like the third story I’ve heard of ‘all parents of kids declined party’ in the last month. I’m not one to force social obligation down peoples’ throats (having had

Christ, you just reminded me of yesterday. My IL’s kids were there (I wasn’t expecting them when I went to dinner...) - and twice in the same hour, I heard things out of those kids that made my internal pseudo-parent go “NO. JUST NO. GET OVER IT”. Meanwhile both actual parents were just like “mmmmmm well no, ummm why

I know this is probably futile and/or you’re the real troll, but I literally know hundreds of people (my graduating class) who went to public school and could prove you wrong on every level. But please, continue to whine to the Internet at large about how public school is so horrible. Hopefully your obsession with the

Wine = parent formula.

My sister had a similar experience after a bicycle accident which resulted in a subdural hematoma. She doesn’t remember about two months, and the next few months after are still confusing to her. When asked who her dissertation advisor was, she answered ‘Joss Whedon’ because they share the same first name (Joss), and

And Texas... and every other state where the politicians have stripped away as much access as they can. Lots of south, mid/western states on that list. Frankly I applaud women like her being open because little by little it can help remove the stigma, which may be the only way to stop said Pols from chipping away at

Between this article and the comments, I’m having two ‘shock’ reactions... first that people even pay these prices, and that they haven’t known about this kind of practice. I was a mall employee for five years and while it wasn’t in the clothing stores, I shopped around enough between shifts to know the clothes were

I was in the Army Reserves for nine years, and I think the military is the only organization that’s really mastered the dress code. The only bling you get is your rank and badge pins, wedding rings, and religious necklaces if you so choose, and those had better not be anything that could interfere with your job...

Well, it’s not done cooking yet. Yer sposed to flip that sucker over and sear it some more...

Man, tell me about it. I’m the new IT contractor for a large nursing home, so the staff is like 90% women. The nurses are pretty chill, because of course scrubs (although I hear there’s such a thing as designer scrubs). The administrative staff though, some of them just make me want to punch them due to being over

I saw a blurb about this on google news and I was like Ewwwwww, and also thought that it was creepy just as if a man had done it to a woman.

Or, you could adopt a child and give him or her a good home. Or multiple children. Ones who’ve already been born.

When I got married, we lived in a small farming town that didn't even have a post office - our zip code PO was actually 13 miles away. I was amazed the town hall even had computers, honestly. It would sort of surprise me if they even had a county database, although it's not out of the question. Then again, there were

In my experience, just stop caring if it happens. I know the divorce rate has slowed but marriage is no guarantee people will stay together. After a couple of years I was just kind of like 'eh, it's probably not gonna happen, I'll just ride this out for however long'. Something like six months later he said we should

I hate that. On the other hand, it’s a great card to play when you suspect someone is trying to rip you off. “Oh I’m sorry, I have to talk to my husband about it first”. Then I never call/go back. Still though, one of the first things I told my husband when I met him was that most of my friends are guys and that’s not