
I don't really follow any of this (much less the show), and have only read a couple of articles here on Jezebel. That said, the fact she was there for such a short time kind of tells me she got in, started seeing major problems, and realized she probably couldn't do much to fix it. Sometimes you just KNOW when you've

Last year was really rough for me and I ended up crowdsourcing my therapy which helped some. It took going to a legit therapist for my husband and I to kind of figure things out. I had a hard time explaining things to him, so it helped having someone who was trained. Before that though I whined to like twenty people

Or like... do some laundry?

"Rodents (squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs), rabbits, and hares rarely get rabies and have not been known to cause rabies among humans in the United States. Squirrels may suffer from the fatal roundworm brain parasite, which causes signs that look exactly like rabies."

Careful with that. In 2000, I voted for the guy who DIDN'T have a plan to regulate video games (what can I say, I was young and stupid). Also I voted absentee, so it shouldn't have counted.


I dance in my office (also known as the basement) while listening to techno, goth whatever, or upbeat pop - while home alone. I personally think I'm a spaz dancer so that's one of the two ways it's allowed (the other is in a dark local goth club with strobes and a lot of booze).

He should probably learn to deal. I say this while knowing that datlordfortuna hates the smell of nail polish and associated remover, but I can always use those when he goes to his friend's house...

Thanks for reminding me, I need to pick up a couple of bags before the Easter Locusts get them all.

I think there's only one excuse for producing a NEW fur coat (I do give a pass to vintage/handed down ones since they were made before people really advocated against it).

Your dad is a smart man.

My cat now understands that when I flap my hands at him he should GTFO of my way; this works as long as he's actually looking at me. On the rare occasions I barrel right into him or he runs in front of me as I walk (or I step on him accidentally), we've established what apologies are and he will usually come right

Same here, I would kill to have a meal with him. I know a lot of people can't stand him because of his attitude, but I think those people maybe just don't like people from NYC in general - there's definitely a different mentality there compared to most of the rest of the country/world. I'm up in Rochester so it's not

I have a friend who routinely substitutes words like that in text. I strongly suspect it's kind of like dyslexia or a speech impediment (she had to do speech therapy as a kid) - she doesn't even realize she does it half the time. The worst part is that it seems to be communicable and I have caught myself doing it at

I have run across dozens of recipes for 'skinny' this or that, like... 'skinny mozzarella sticks' aka cheese wrapped in a wonton wrapper instead of the usual deep fried coating. Yeah, you probably cut off 20 calories per, that doesn't make it HEALTHY. Point is, people don't understand words...

New York on the other hand can give you a run for your money.

I hope you laughed really hard at her.

There were three females in the afternoon sessions of my degree program (don't know about the mornings, I do know of one at least), two of us were over 25, and the other one (older) dropped out for some reason. It wasn't a huge school anyway but there were definitely a lot more males.