I’m looking forward to Immortal, but i Think it would suck on PC. And D3 Content seems more wishful than a D2 remaster.
I’m looking forward to Immortal, but i Think it would suck on PC. And D3 Content seems more wishful than a D2 remaster.
It’s better than tongue-in-cheek references to “unannounced projects in the works”.
I wonder what reason they have for not doing that. Does every announcement they make needed to be a huge hype fest?
Obviously Beverly Hills will simply make a law requiring scooters to be parked in designated areas; and then not provide designated areas. You can never beat the Government; that’s why you buy the government.
Isn’t that how they’re advertised? Take them around and leave them all lackadaisical wherever you want?
If this accompanied a proper sequel announcement, there would be far less negativity
Ha true. But blizzard never announced any cake being baked, or a diablo 4 in progress.
I disagree. The crowd of people are Diablo fans and are exactly who should be marketed to. Blizzard literally said, don't get too hyped for diablo at blizzcon a week ago. Diablo on mobile will be what I've been looking for, but no, it didn't need to be marketed the way it was. What I can understand is fans have openly…
Lol looking at your time posts I can tell you are 100% full of shit. You did not work 10 hours and then bake cookies unless you do all that while also shit posting on the internet. OMG, maybe I found Jesus on the web!
Lol, I bet you said the same about Black ops 4.
This isnt a shitty version of their game. This is a new diablo game made for mobile. You can’t say it’s shitty, it's not even out! They are not pretending to bring the main Diablo to Mobile or they’d make a crap port like fortnite on mobile.
So, I guess you work for free? Lol yeah, Adikos working for free... THAT’LL BE THE DAY!
Shouldn't there be? The game is free right?
What...? It was Bill Clinton that cut off support to the rebels fighting FOR Democracy in Saudi Arabia. Those very same rebels turned into Islamic Terrorist Groups. If anyone supports the Saudis it’s the Democrats.
Who else would want innocent Muslim girls both dead? Obviously it’s their family. They probably had Justin Bieber posters on their wall.
Under Clinton the Federal Government enjoyed surpluses in revenue.
Republicans allow anyone to become rich. Work, save money, reinvest it, be rich.
An opinion based comment on an opinion based article that all makes claims without providing any real world example; all getting passed around as the law of the land. Ah, this is why America is in the shit its in. Not politics, but blind belief.
But, it’s really demeaning to that person’s cousin.
So racism against non minorities is ok? Got it! Thanks! I’m going to evict my white tenants now.