
Shouldn't there be? The game is free right? 

Lol that’s right! Maybe they’ll get their bit coins back.... BUT THEY WONT BE WORTH 32 MILLION ANYMORE!

No, but it means everything they do is done way more lavishly than you. Even their mistakes... 32 million lost and they’re reacting like I would if I lost 500. 

Maybe your prejudice about guns is whats off... 

What...? It was Bill Clinton that cut off support to the rebels fighting FOR Democracy in Saudi Arabia. Those very same rebels turned into Islamic Terrorist Groups. If anyone supports the Saudis it’s the Democrats. 

Who else would want innocent Muslim girls both dead? Obviously it’s their family. They probably had Justin Bieber posters on their wall. 

Sigh. Everyone talks about the phone and ignores the elephant in the room. Apple is only continuing support for the phone’s repair. This would be a non issue if Apple allowed for consumer’s right of repair and 3rd party repair. Stop supporting Apple’s anti-consumer practices. 

It’s a loss for all consumers as all Apple competitors do whatever Apple does, which right now is non consumer based repair. The main point of this article is not whats in fashion, it’s Apple is continuing support for an old product. This would be entirely needless if Apple allowed consumers the right of repair. 

Under Clinton the Federal Government enjoyed surpluses in revenue.

Republicans allow anyone to become rich. Work, save money, reinvest it, be rich.

An opinion based comment on an opinion based article that all makes claims without providing any real world example; all getting passed around as the law of the land. Ah, this is why America is in the shit its in. Not politics, but blind belief. 

I for one find it more telling that someone lost thier job over sexual misconduct CLAIMS.

But, it’s really demeaning to that person’s cousin. 

So racism against non minorities is ok? Got it! Thanks! I’m going to evict my white tenants now.

Everyone is so obsessed with “leftism” that they’ll let corruption take over in a second. That’s all this is about. Look how this American Media group talks about him

Ha, the far left has run Brazil for the past 15 years! 

And by games you mean Hearthstone and League of Legends right?

The real question is how many dongles it has. 

Looks like the Razer Phone. 

Who wants to pay 120K for a car worth 110K?