I thought it was transmission fluid.
I thought it was transmission fluid.
Yikes! I bet it’d make me cry.
Let the record show I edited my comment before your snark :P
I’m not too knowledgeable on Africa, but I think Africa is the wealthiest continent on the planet in Natural Resources and Governments there have been protecting those resources to a large extent in favor of environmental preservation. African Countries could’ve been potentially as rich as Dubai had those resources…
I think Overwatch is being pointed out unfairly here. What online Multiplayer Games DO have servers in Africa? I assume none...
I don’t think it’s up my ally, the more I hear about it the more strange it seems. Certainly has my respect from a creative stand point though!
The plot demanded that there be a nudist beach? Or the writers demanded a plot around a nudist beach? Either way, that shit is strange.
Anime is strange.
$10 says his excuse is hacked account. $50 says he wanked to it anyway. Nothing like being on the sideline of your hacked account, and sidelining from the sideline.
I think they run the camera on a cable track.
Jerk abandons broken car at beach. Asshole crushes Jerk’s car which is now a total loss. Jerk asks for money on the internet.
The kids who tried to hang him were black.
LOL you actually think they’re selling at a loss!?!?!
It’s more like video games that take away content for future paid for DLC.
Plenty other surfers were present. Are they all stupid too or is it just the dead ones?
Overwatch is giving in to the favoritism of DPS players. Whenever DPS mains complain they nerf until theyre happy. Road hog killing you, nerfed. Ana killing you... nerfed. Dva stopping ur ults... NERFED
If you play this game in Africa does the slider change at all? I don’t think the Global Black population will understand this.
Does this begins the countdown for a Yugioh video game?
I hope the Republicans are outraged. They haven’t gotten shit done. That’s enough reason for the President to shift to being nice to the Democrats assuming this President actually cares about getting things done.
I thought I was the only one who knew of Obama’s scheme.