
Your life is obviously lived under a rock with only a window to liberal media.

Stop acting like rich black people are some sort of myth.

In what world are Alex Rodriguez, Shaquille O’Neal and Jimmy Rollins White guys?

Now playing

Flying over head and shooting everyone like shes an Apache. DPS heroes died in 2-3 shots depending on head shots. She was able to confine the team into their spawn.

After a little more thought I agree. But, Nano Boosted Mercy is already wrecking havoc in the PTR.

Mercy with Ult will wreck 76 and mccree and phara. She will be awesome.

Well, she hasn’t really boned anyone in like 5 years.

Anyone else as surprised as I to learn Nintendo was founded in 1889? I’d like an article on that! Not some political bullshit...

Oh. I guess I never imagined much market for renting $10k cars. But then again there’s a market for everything.

If you had a fleet of classics you’d have enough money to not need the extra income

These days we can’t even trust mechanics with our cars. Now a complete stranger who drives a minivan...

Oh, I must’ve missed that detail. Clearly I didn’t watch the last last seconds LOL.

Howland Reed also knows of Jon’s parentage. But he’s not in the 7 kingdoms.

This made no sense. Mei ended up walking her way out anyway. Why’d she go through the trouble building an ice gun to fix a tower just to watch an inspirational video from Winston just to end up walking her ass out and talking to nobody? At least she could’ve have walked out and still had snowball with her. But noooo,

I hear Junkrat will now be able to drop 2 mines... Meanwhile Ana can still only attempt to sleep someone every 12 seconds.

Man, the more I hear about Cali the more I think it sucks.