
Walking around dressed in political attire is now maliciously provocative...? right...

Union City is not suburban and not white.

What’s their point? That black people will assault and harass on the basis of who you support for president? Are people no longer able to express their political views? Oh I guess only liberal fucks can do that.

Make America Great Again = Hatred for minorities... PATHETIC. You Piece of shit.

So wearing a hat in support of the POTUS is a call to be brutalized...? ohhhh liberals how I pity you.

Except this time it’s the crowed that was stupid on another level. Who the fuck circles around amateurs trying to do donuts. MORONS.

True story lol

This is regarded as the best team in overwatch? They ran a tracer sombra 76 and a solo tank against a doomfist and a phara. Obviously they’ll lose. 5 of 6 heroes get 1 hit killed against doomfist and only 1 hero can counter phara and only 1 hero can provide cover. This was destined to lose.

The value would be more in it’s copper content value.

IDK any stories but you can buy a 1 pound copper penny on apmex for $30.

I’d like a map creator to make obstacle courses for tracer and mei or other characters.

He must have a little weener.

Cool dude. Get yourself a “Gifted Graduate” bumper sticker.

he can shut it down and just walk around the long grass without interruption. I wish that were actually true.

That car made me “eeewwww” out loud.

You can tear down all the statues in the world but black people in America will still be poor and stupid.

Should’ve recommended the E golf.

He’s not suing them? He’s not a legit video gamer if he doesn’t press charges!

As your editors say: If you have a problem with any article from these writers. DON’T be an immature child and hate on it publicly in the comment section for everyone to see. Write them a private email that THEY will make public... Hypocrites.

UAW workers only come in halfs because they only do half work.