
When Democrats change their mind in 6 months. That’s ok.

Democrats: Comey should be fired.

Prepare to be shut down...Again.

If he decided to stay any longer he’d be Paul Walker.

You would want to be called rich and educated.

These guys go through extensive training over stuffing themselves to stretch their stomachs gradually.

If only Democrats would learn how elections work they’d start focusing on what matters; the electoral votes!

How does one patch these bugs?

Don’t matter. Who ever it is will be hired by Trump and the means automatically hated by every liberal and half Republicans

Unless there’s nothing to dump... At this point you’re only suspecting

Did you two marry?

Except he acted with malicious intent to purposely put the other driver in a position to where he was forced to damage the car. Having a picture only further justifies the intent to have the other driver damage your car.   

How f**ked up is your car?

Just to point out in this particular occasion it is a cool car and in the back of an empty lot. Not saying you claimed otherwise, just pointing out.

I don’t find it racist either. Black people must not know how lighting works in photography.

I’d rather see a boner than a face fountain of blood.

Are you telling me slaves did not want to own slaves of their own?

While its fine for Nazi symbolism to be illegal and censored in every form from Germany.

Isn’t self victimizing the whole foundation of the Democratic party? It was Obama’s entire presidency was based off. Remember his first 100 days? Blame this republican house, blame the last republican Pres. Blame the last republican ect...

Look it’s gawker Easter