Jennings is an established NBA player in his 8th NBA year, having banked over $34 million in salary. That’s more money and longer career than most NBA players. He’s successful, he’s just not a star.
Jennings is an established NBA player in his 8th NBA year, having banked over $34 million in salary. That’s more money and longer career than most NBA players. He’s successful, he’s just not a star.
This is expected behavior in a rational market (even if it’s not exactly a free market). With more information available to the pool of labor, we should see this more often. Universities will have to adapt if they want to be able to draw fans using top quality young athletes.
Just give 77 a lifetime ban. It’s one thing to be physical in the heat of the moment, it’s another to execute two sucker shots in a ten second window over nothing in particular.
And all this energy on how the right is spreading misinformation.
It seems like whenever it’s officers of color accused of these shootings, they end up getting charged. The officer in the NYC project shooting, a Chinese-American man, for example.
Be suspicious that anyone whose first response to the Trump election is to figure out who to blame.
You know what they say, tough times reveal character. It’s fundamentally wrong, IMO, to think “they can survive little ol me”, or that you at your lowest isn’t somehow indicative of your core being.
Perhaps you should adopt a perspective that doesn’t leave you so vulnerable to hating the world - it’s only a hop, skip and a jump away from hating some particular subgroup. And then you’re one of them.
he had the most trump-favorable projection of any major pollster. It’s not his fault.
Why Silver? He had one of the most bearish projections among anyone, just last week the left was wondering why he insisted on being so anti-Hillary or something, as if he tweaked the formula to give the answer he wanted.
It is not true in Florida. As of now, Hillary was 120k votes behind; Stein got 65k in total. not enough. She also would have needed to absorb 64%(!) of the Johnson block.
And if 60% of eligible voters had voted, Clinton would have also won. It’s not clear if those Johnson votes were costing Trump or Hillary - my wager is they’d lean 80/20 towards Clinton, meaning that if Johnson had not been in the race, it’d have been much more decisive.
Stein didn’t cost Clinton any states thought, did she?
you meant “several times today”, right, comrade?
Against a backdrop in the liberal-online world that it’s not enough for Men To Stay Silent - think of the various pieces on what’s expected of an “Ally”, a common denominator being “amplify” - this seems to be the expected outcome. Considering that any other stance a man might take on this election has been outright…
I love the fact that a Jezebel writer can, without any sense of irony, call out another group for merely “performing” wokeness.
A friend, a real soccer nut, says lower division south american football is the best, if you want to see players going all out for 90 minutes. He says its because they’re hungry.
My ballot - just the things I could vote on - was 9 pages long. And they weren’t 8.5x11, it was like something between Legal (8.5 x 14) and Tabloid (11x17)
I’m basically fine with this - why hold future “student athletes” responsible when you can pass the buck on people who actually did the dirt?
Generally, there isn’t an onus on the defense to stop on the whistle if the offensive players aren’t stopping. That’s why QBs will spike the ball on unabateds or last-second false starts. If the QB rears back to throw, you better believe defenders are still gunning for them.