
Gonna need dat downforce to keep all that power in check.

I know right? They should have just put some stickers on it. Would have saved a whole lotta time and effort.

How will autonomous cars work on the dirt roads I used to see in downtown Flint most of the state.

Got any more pathetic excuses for your texting and driving ?

Asian woman driver...just a normal day

I’d say that the woman driving the Range Rover totally lost her cool by continually ramming the crap out of the Jaguar.

Buy a fucking car that has bluetooth, and use the buttons the steering wheel.


Hey Chris, when EVERYBODY else is the problem, you are the problem.

I am one! I'd rather call out my own than let those asshole Boomers do it.


Jesus christ....it’s a goddam dragster...line it up straight before you mash the throttle....

I am scared to death of someone hitting my car while my dog is in it. Paramedics don’t tend to wounded animals. If my dog is hurt or killed because someone was too busy texting to pay attention, I’m going to jail for manslaughter.

More driving related than car related but I’m scared shitless of driving over bridges. Just thinking of driving over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge gives me goosebumps.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

This might be photoshopped...but I could be wrong.

Minorly off-topic, but when did the LED lightbar thing become a craze? Three months ago, I rarely saw one. Now every brodozer in the vicinity is lit up like an exploding sun and I can barely see the road.

You’ve failed, Near-Sighted Mustang

But the real question is how do you park?