
I do too but not because I think they’ll brake check me. Cops are literally the worst drivers because they’re always distracted. They’re always either typing or reading shit on their death boxes (laptops). It’s amazing how few of them can even stay in their lane.

*looks at every electronic device and toy in his house* Yeah. We really hate buying things that are made in china.

How do you know it's a pitbull? I have two pits and that looks like an American Bulldog to me.

I think the leash and the fact that it’s a public road are are the main things people are objecting to. If the dog trips or wanders too far to the left, it’s as good as dead.

Volvo’s “issue” is that a Level 3 autonomous system is inherently dangerous and shouldn’t be used at all, due to the allowance of distraction for the driver but reliance on the driver to take over in emergency conditions.

People suck.

If they make a V-spec hot hatch version, I’m sure everyone on Jalopnik will buy one.


I’ll be honest, if I met Clarkson and he wasn't a jerk to me I'd probably be at least a little disapointed.

The most exciting part about the new Top Gear will be watching Chris Evans slowly implode before Matt LeBlanc just takes the show over completely.

You spelled “Mustang” wrong.

Um, no.

CTS-V wagon? Yep, CTS-V wagon.

E63 AMG Wagon? Yeah, E63 AMG Wagon.

When I saw this, all I could think of was the Death Star

Reads Fiero-based car

Because they are alien beings sent as the lead team for an eventual full scale invasion.

I sense that its more “real” to watch professional wrestling then professional cycling.