
Oh my, I think I could take a bath in those tubs.

In soviet russia, fire puts out you.

I like the exterior, but the interior looks strange and ill-proportioned. Maybe it’s the camera angle, but it looks as if, sitting in the driver’s seat and looking over the dashboard, you wouldn’t actually be able to see the road ahead.

As much as I like the grand Cherokee they don’t seem to hold up very well. 2010 4Runner i wouldn’t hesitate to buy, 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee I would have to think about it....

I wouldn’t buy any Chrysler car so you can stop right there with that bull shit. I’m just saying, no shit it isn’t a bargain. It isn’t supposed to be. Thanks and good day.

It is not supposed to be. Go shop the used car lot for Kias.

THIS is the correct answer.
They already have some options on the table but those are expensive.They are stalling for time so they can get out of this with less spend

She’s about as good at using her brain as she is using her race car.

Check the roof of the hospital

That guy is clearly just trying to get a helicopter.

Put the crackpipe down boy.

To be fair, he did a wicked job on that. Definitely a step up from the normal replica cars you see. Still would rather have an M3 or something for that price though.

Pimp My Ride’s broadcast history for the international version: a Trabant 601

The thing is that 99% of the people that know Xzibit would have never heard of him if it wasn’t for Pimp My Ride.

VW knows exactly how to fix this. They knew what would be required in 2007 when they were designing these engines. They’re just going to use every minute they are given searching for the most “cost effective” method.

Oh, I bet we can do good and still make SOME fun of each other.

HAHA! see this site can do good if we call stick together and not make fun of each other :)


It’s a real shame that they aren’t the rolling Masterpieces they used to be.

Subaru has completely lost my interest. They are great cars, but they are as bad as Toyota as far as being interesting. I am leaving the BRZ out as it is such an outlier in their line up being RWD and all.