
Do any of the hosts actually have kids?

I’d be all for it...IF THEY’D FUCKING BRING THE HATCH BACK!!! Sedans are absolutely useless to me right now.

Yeah fuck you.

No, not “exactly”. Sorry, I’m all for self-driving cars but cars need to be manually operated at times and you can’t remove that capability.

This? This comment? Ugh.

If it retains the A5's hatchback then I approve. Sedans are pointless. All cars should be hatches, even if they look like sedans.

I am pretty sure my life has been shortened far more due to fart inhalation inside a VW than Vw emissions outside.....

Oh yeah, this’ll go well.

Considering the shitstorm that VW is going through, with no end in sight, please convince me one way or another why I should or should not consider these cars.

Neutral: Still going with GM’s ignition switch failures as the biggest, Takata a close second, and Toyota a distant third. Volkswagen’s malignance and scummy tactics can and will be dissected for years to come, but it’s hard to argue it’s the “worst automaker scandal” when the previous three I mentioned can be

Neutral. I would say the ignition switch issue from GM. Yes VW lied and cheated, but I don’t think it cost lives of drivers. Firestone sucked, but was that really recent? Maybe if it was five years ago. Takata has injured many people and killed at least two, but the GM ignition issue? Just worse...

Because we don’t throw “all their issues aside”

…and bland.

If that truly were the case, I’d never see a VW on the road.


Yes, valets can hoon anything.

We’ve stopped communicating.

yep... youre gonna get lots of flak.

You’ve just described every Tavarish article.

I wish I could un-read this article.