
Here’s the thing I just find frustrating with Kaep... He’s protesting racism in the US by sitting/kneeling out the anthem, but hasn’t spoken a word about the fact that he plays for... you know... Chip Kelly. Because we never heard anything about potential racism with Chip Kelly with his last team....

Oh boy this whole thing really blew up in their faces, huh?

Well that just made my Note 7 or Project Fi dilemma a lot easier to resolve

Something something... the blight will take over and Dr Mann will ruin everything

...And boom goes the dynamite...

Could Fallon possibly overact that any more? I very nearly stopped watching because of him. Glad I didn’t because that was pretty good overall, but he’s just an absolutely terrible actor.

SPACE KNIFE - I’m Taking Off (Shield Your Eyes)

For anyone with the Gear S2 - How bad is Tizen? I am likely going to Project Fi by the end of the year and am very seriously considering a Samsung Gear S2/S3, but if it truly is unusable without a Samsung device, it eliminates itself from possibility. Which is a damn shame, because Samsung has really realized that

Well, yeah, there’s definitely a little bit of the Michael Sam approach. The guy got a lot of extra attention (and money) from coming out, and probably ended up getting himself into the league because of the PR attention he was getting. At the end of the day, he just wasn’t a very good NFL player, and once the novelty

I am honestly so damn exhausted of the “Support the Trooooops” movement that is quite literally shoved in your face at every single turn. Its so bad that if you dare to ever say anything negative about anyone who ever served, you’re the asshole. Because its so impossible to think that any fuckups could ever have been

Hmm and yet I’ve never heard him complain about playing for the coach who enabled Riley Cooper...

At this point the only thing more dangerous to people than a Takata airbag is a Mustang fitted with a Takata airbag.

Google here.

So... these things are likely going to be best suited for the retirement community of Florida, right?

Cowboys and their fans are 100% bought into an unproven QB and already calling him The Truth and insinuating he’ll lead them on the path to glory?

Certainly doesn’t help that you can buy a good 5th Gen with low mileage for about $15-20k less than you’d pay for a brand new one right now.

You can literally see the moment she geeks the fuck out sitting in the driver’s seat.

Been keeping my eye on this. My Verizon plan is absurdly expensive, and Project Fi is getting good reviews in my area. As much as I want the Note 7, I think I may have to make the jump if these phones are solid.

Or how about those fucking trucks that don’t at the very least put the tarp over their load before getting on the Interstate. I don’t give a fuck what kind of “Keep back 200 feet, not liable for damage” shit you have on your tailgate, if you’re flinging rocks all over the place, you bet your ass I’m getting my lawyer

Whoever put that gif together is downright evil on their timing