20 year pop culture nostalgia cycle so...kinda
I honestly wish COVID would sweep through the lot of them and we could move on with life. We’re rapidly approaching the need of another lockdown because dipshits like these allowed COVID the opportunity to infect enough that it mutated. Willfully unvaccinated people should not be allowed to occupy the hospital beds…
Projection. Is the word.
I think it’s dismissive to call all criticism of this simply trolling. It obviously did have a place in the game at some point and was part of their original artistic vision that informed many players experience with it.
Why is it that people who call others “snowflakes” completely melt down when they don’t get their way?
...why though? I mean, it’s their game, they can do what they want, I’m not going to throw a tantrum...
“ooh, looks like you encountered your first Necromorph! For only 270 MarkerCoins* you can unlock the ability to equip weapons.
“Unlock Isaac Clarke’s iconic Plasma Cutter for only $5.99!!”
ooh, I wonder what kind of microtransactions it’ll have...
It’s normal in a capitalistic, toxic, at that, society to become more aggressive and even anti-consumer the more wealthy/powerful they become - they have no need to slightly appear ‘humanitarian’ if the flow is still going strong or just give a damn in general. The game industry is any new capitalist’s wet dream with…
It’s not clear why Take-Two is going DMCA wild now, years after these mods were first released.
See? Being a complete ass to your fan community is not just a Nintendo thing.
This makes me never want to bother with any GTA game again. I was already lost with the Online game. But damn, just let the modders mod. It’s not like they’re disrupting any revenue flow at all. Hell, they’re probably the only reason people are still buying the old games to begin with.
They already re-released them…
Solo experience with cutesy characters and a ton of convoluted lore and subtext about things not quite what they seem. Historically those kind of franchises draw a big LGTBQ+ following.
🎶We know it’s not right~
Wanted was complete garbage. The comic had such potential for bringing to the screen an interesting superhero genre deconstruction from the POV of the villains...instead they made a completely generic action movie, and a bad one, at that.
Surprised to see Road to Perdition and a History of Violence on the list. Had no idea. Love both of those movies!
That’s Johnny Cage for sure.