Didn’t think I could hate the RE8 baby even more. I was wrong, so horribly, horribly wrong.
Didn’t think I could hate the RE8 baby even more. I was wrong, so horribly, horribly wrong.
When you show your ass over making sure as many people as possible stay alive, actively try to make people’s lives worse, or simp for causes that donate to causes that make people’s lives worse, you’re goddamn fucking right I’m a hate filled creature.
Nah... society was always like this. Those of us who worked retail/restaurant jobs can tell you people were always like this. You’re just “seeing” more because the only ones “out” are the bad ones, the good majority took the fucking once in a 100 years global pandemic seriously, like one should.
We really shouldn’t have wiped out the Neanderthals. They were probably better people.
I don’t wish to sound rude, but I’m ecstatic I don’t live in your country. =|
Heatmor is also from Oklahoma City, hence its hatred of Durant.
I wasn’t expecting a pokemon article to be topical to current research.
It never gets old listening to James Chen. He should be in the FGC Hall of Fame if there is such a thing.
YoshiP really played bloodborne once and was like "yes put this in"
I remember seeing Pokémon: The First Movie in theaters.
I assume it’s about the fact that two of Konami’s biggest businesses are both gambling machines*... and gambling is historically very strongly connected to organized crime, even in places where it’s legalized and regulated.
Most of these elicit, at best, a mild chuckle from me.
The previous Nerf Now is honestly funnier. “If I wanted a bad fanfic I’d write it myself.”, really does sound like a good summary of why to avoid video game movies.
Can you compress Awkward Zombie more? I can still read some of the text if I squint just right. Thanks!
...that’s where the Esports Fighting Tournaments come in.
ngl, a place where I can gamble on fighting games while simultaneously watching titties and pirate streams sounds rad as hell.
I was guessing reasons 1, 2, and 4 (with 4 being the most logical answer), but I like your reason better.