Comrade Mime

I, too, want to replay the Metal Gear games. Unfortunately, Metal Gear 5's controls have spoiled me. The previous games feel extra clunky now.

GamerCat makes me smile every time.


Nah, I think you’re right on the money. Let us also remember that Cosby intended “The Cosby Show” to be a model for black families to emulate — a model that assumes you and your wife are both very well-paid professionals who live in a racism-free world, and your biggest problem is that your children have unrealistic

Time has kind of put The Cosby Show in a new light, and not just because of the Bill stuff.

“It created a false sense of parallel identity where black existence thrived without any interaction with, input from or approval by white people.”

My application of choice is Taco meat or chili personally, but it does make good jerky.

I think that’s a Bambismomburger.

Extra tears please

I do love me a Bambiburger!

Snacktaku’s made it to the big time

Don’t you fucking dare invoke MLK to defend Nazis.

If you think embracing a nazi or your sworn enemy will bring enlightenment or a sense of brotherhood, you are sadly mistaken. And i’m sick of Black people constantly expecting others to love us if we’d only embrace, pray for, or forgive them. Nazis are our enemies, they want to destroy us. How long will it take for us

But it’s rich black people kneeling! Doesn’t that scare you????

Wait, he only got 4 years and then he only served half of that? Yet you have far more people outraged over some folks taking a knee at a football game than this? O say can you see the bullshit?

Quite true, but that would imply a room full of people dressed like stereotypical ninjas are worth infiltrating.


If you dress like a stereotypical ninja, you’re not a ninja.

And, while we’re at it, automatically register them to vote at the same time.

Provided that the IDs are being furnished free of charge, to all residents, I have no issue with it.