Wow that’s pathetic. I’m more happy I’m not getting this now.
Wow that’s pathetic. I’m more happy I’m not getting this now.
Hell even that second pic is more useful because at least you can eat them.
I’d seen these posted earlier today, but the fact that they can’t even be removed from the box is hilarious news to me.
Special editions are just another way to increase profitability, like microtransactions or pre-order bonuses. It was only a matter of time before they started cutting corners to make some more.
The demo was awful. For me personally, I’m going to wait a couple years and grab an ultimate edition for 1/2 price. It seems like once a generation a so I hopefully have time.
The demo was awful. For me personally, I’m going to wait a couple years and grab an ultimate edition for 1/2 price.…
Why doesn’t this unfinished game have features that finished games have?
It’s just cutscenes. I’d have been much happier if that budget went towards more characters or modes. Even if the story mode is worth playing, I’ll only play it once, and then I’m left with a fun fighting game with an anemic roster that’s largely copied and pasted from the last game.
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite plays like Marvel vs. Capcom 3, which is a great game! But do I need a smaller version of MvC3 with a superfluous story mode?
“Donald Trump has been kidnapped by ninjas! Are you a ba—”
If you do... could you not? We paid good money for those assassins.
its judgemental, but yeah. if he cheated with you he(i am saying he, but i understand both sides play the same) will cheat on you. even if my some miracle they don’t, you can never really trust them, you KNOW what their character is, they have already shown you.
I know a person like that. She hasn’t been single since High School because she cheats on every last boyfriend with the next boyfriend. It’s like she leasing them. Yet she never has any trouble finding the next one. It’s kind of crazy.
everyone after the first only needed to find him rich to find him fuckable. His current wife would have looked straight over his head if the money aura weren’t there.
Based on NerfNOW, Does this mean Blizzard’s next game will be a battle royale?
Counterpoint: cops.
Go work with a rural crew in homebrew meth country and he can go run in with his hazmat suit and save the armed paranoid tweaked out psychotic white meth heads from their exploding bathroom while getting shot at in a cloud of toxic vapors. On a side note, why is it that white people(of which I am one) who are…