One good flick should dislodge them completely. n_n
One good flick should dislodge them completely. n_n
brb, my eyeballs seemed to have rolled straight out of my head. Need to go find them now.
Ya’ll gonna catch something
Yes, it’s basically hippy era free love + Tinder.
Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.
You’re right to ignore him. If a guy is willing to cheat with you, he will be willing to cheat on you.
To be clear - there’s a huge difference in the way white women & WOC are treated by cops.
Get on my horse, I’ll take you around the universe!
Well, then the only cure for your thirst is a craft beer injected with thick, gelatinous horse cum.
SFV will have in-game currency called “Fight Money” to allow you to earn new characters and costumes if you don’t want to pay.
20 years late , people still don’t write “Balrog” properly.
Normally, I would agree. But Vega’s entire gimmick, from day one, is that he is such a narcissist that he kills everyone who is not as beautiful as himself. It is a completely in character thing for him to say.
They already said that all DLC for this game can be unlocked in-game for free including characters and costumes
Once you go down that type of F2P shithole and start treating your customers like enemies you can fight with metrics, then there’s no reason to treat your employees any better than your customers, since those are disposable metric meatbags too. This is all the Zynga playbook.
I bet a million dollars they’re going to cast some limp wristed yoga waif who’s never lifted a thing except a kale cleanse frappuchino.
They never promised “someone is GOING TO DIIIIIE” like a comic like you’re saying. They promised a story, with twists and turns, and we got it.
he’s no Bernie Sanders.