Comrade Mime

Male birth control isn’t about women, it’s about men. It’s completely understandable that a woman wouldn’t take a man’s word on it, but the same is true when the genders switch. One form of BC certainly won’t replace the other, except in the case of longer relationships where the partners trust each other.

I’m cracking up at these comments already. I will start this short comment rant with the disclaimer that I am fully aware many women are in horribly, abusive situations in which they are trapped. This is not the situation I am describing.

Now the shoe’s on the other foot:


If Dastardly Mime wants to share his mead. Otherwise, we could get some B Nektar and drink that!

*waves hi*

Ooh..ooh....oohhh....I live in metro Detroit. I like mead. I like people. Can I come, too?

Mmmm. How about we plan a metro-Detroit meetup when that blackberry mead is ready? :-D

obviously i’m not privy to all the details of your relationship, but looking at it from his perspective, you’ve basically said you won’t go to the doctor, so maybe he’s just feeling frustrated and like he can’t help you if you won’t take the first step? have you tried explaining why you’re afraid to go to the doctor?

I left the country for an extended period the week before my sister was due. Like, I love my niece, but she was just going to be a drooling blob for the first few months, and she won’t remember I wasn’t there so...#noregrets

(And I also had had way more than enough of my sister’s pregnancy crazy.)

Just give in.

I don’t have a thoughtful response yet (pretty sure Asdjk@#+3$:3+:%&$#@#$&*n WTF OUR COUNTRY IS SO MESSED UP doesn’t count), but maybe this will help bump you up for discussion.

Buy the import version and then sell it a month or two before the English release and then buy the English version? Best of both worlds?

I just graduated last week, so for the first time in my life, I have no schedule, no set responsibilities, nobody telling me what to do and when to do it, and it is fucking terrifying. For the first time, I am completely responsible for my own life, without any outside system telling me how to live it. How the hell do

Golden Corral *tear*

It’d make for a winning ‘Shop Contest entry.

....mechanical life forms created by a god with souls who have evolved over millions of years in disguise?

Looks badass, but now I am expecting a magazine parody called Victorion’s Secret. :p