I'd wager that her posting this online guaranteed that.
Like they're going to stay together after she posted this online, and it was subsequently reposted all over the internet.
Well if their marriage wasn't in serious trouble before, this being plastered all over the internet sealed it. I don't see any way that they stay together now.
I think we've passed 'major trouble' when thousands of people comment on the issue an a heavily trafficked site. She's taken the post down and I get the feeling that he knows that his wife just aired their dirty laundry to the internet. I'm pretty sure we just watched the end of a marriage.
Well she's taken it down now...
And she's removed her post. I'm guessing it's really about to hit the fan.
Dudes on the internet.
Life Invader?
Pretty much all of this.
I can only hope that the Star Fox game in development is like this...
I did not realize that people cosplayed Lordi. Though when I think about it, it makes sense.
I'm thinking Ifrit.
And the reaction to this whole thing:
Deli meat and cancer... crap.
This is why I envy cleavage.
Hardly. I'm just throwing out random guesses and what others have told me about their experiences with "mouth too small" situations. I also know way too many random facts.
That kind of dental work sounds like the "break the jaw and reset it" variety. Do you have macroglossia?