I hope they whole-ass it.
I hope they whole-ass it.
Black or charcoal suits for men...females should wear yellow, gold, magenta, cyan, but avoid red, blue or purple.”
Not just in the South. Rural PA and Upstate NY are rife with this. It’s amazing how many men think that leading with a gun and a dead deer is a good opener. Deleting such photos would probably actually up these men’s game. Instead they’re probably going to flock to some subreddit to whine about how feminists are to…
...have you been on a dating app recently? As a woman? In the South? Becauuuuuuse, well, I’m not quite sure how to put this:
This exactly. I would much rather know a potential date has violent tendencies/fantasies while I can still swipe left.
That was the first thing I thought. Please do not help the ammosexuals pretend to be good dates.
I don’t know, allowing people to post pictures with their guns seems like a good way to quickly weed out the people I never, ever, ever, want to go with on a date.
Feinstein is far from perfect but she’s been a very effective Democratic senator. I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to jettison effective democratic lawmakers because they don’t pass the purity test.
Exactly. Men only feel pressured on their appearance when it comes to situations where they want to attract someone romantically, and then they’re only judged by the women they are trying to attract. Women feel pressured on their appearance *all the damn time,* by *everyone.* So our clothing and shoe choices are…
It’s a fashion choice and those who wear heels purchase them based upon style, color, comfort or other random factors based on the day. The kitten heel was not purposefully designed for tall girls who date short guys. It is purely a “style” similar to a “hounds tooth jacket” or “Cavanaugh Hat”.
I bought some Halo Top recently without knowing that it was low fat. It wasn’t bad but I could definitely tell that something was off. It seemed more like frozen yogurt to me.
I really don’t understand this because it’s not like Jason Kennedy is a household name who can score interviews with celebrities based on his name alone. Ryan Seacrest is annoying as hell but at least he’s famous. I could see them justifying paying him more money. But this Jason Kennedy guy? Who is he?
I was prepared to say “Meh, isn’t all ice dancing and pairs just hands and faces in crotches” but I suppose they went a step further with the full “face in crotch nuzzle.”
GAVE a 6hr speech? Nancy is still going. TBH this deserves its own story.
His cosmetic surgeon removed the hair follicles in the back to implant on top of his bald head
Yeah women really need to step up though
How does the fact that he was blind mean he wouldn’t need to serve time? Surely if he was able enough to work as a cook and tie up and rape a 13 yo, they would be able to accommodate his needs in prison as well?
I’m really tired of the “taken out of context” excuse.