
pretty sure he signed a helluva lot of shit and it was all just blank papers, old memos, shopping lists, anything to keep him quiet and let him think he was actually doing something. His staff treats him pretty much like I used to with my youngest child — “who’s a busy boy ... you’re a busy boy ...”

Nicholas Giampa is the name of the Neo-Nazi who killed his girlfriend’s parents in cold blood. I have no qualms doxxing a murderer.

I have to appreciate that he’s able to see a situation so realistically and starkly, because it makes him so very good at what he does. I hate that he’s being so hard on himself, but to a degree he’s right. I don’t think he let anyone down, but the narrative on that interview was very much “omg look at what John

Agreed on the good start and trying. I don’t think it was a failure; I think he showed a good example of sacrificing comfort for honesty. And I can hope that D.Hoffman felt some shame as a result of the subsequent attention (since he obviously felt/feels none for his actions).

See, I love me a good lip balm for moisture, but I hate gloss and I will NOT go back. It’s sticky and I spend all my time wondering if it’s on my cheek after my hair got trapped in it...

Shit. I worked hard to have actual curves, I am not wearing a goddamn tent dress.

Doesn’t it look like he signed Melania’s name too? It’s kind of like my nephew, who used to sign the name of everyone in his family (and the dog, with a pawprint, of course) on every card he sent. He was very excited about writing.

Well, seeing as he doesn’t know that the Senate is part of congress...

This seems just an opportune occasion to remind everyone that Dustin Hoffman, proudly and on the record, shared the story of how he lost his virginity by raping a woman age 15.

Grandstanding. Rubio will buckle under the slightest pressure from his peers because he is a weasel and always has been. His recent pivot toward play-acting as the lite version of John McCain’s mythic “Maverick” persona shouldn’t fool anyone.

I’m sure all of those pages are blank and Trump will just throw them out. He won’t even bother to recycle it either.

After scrolling through her monotonous instagram, I would love to know what she meant by this:

Ugh, she was so cool. What happened?

Yeah - anybody who didn’t see this coming was ostriching pretty hard.

Not to mention that we are still in the Obama economy. As Trump and his erstwhile congress haven’t passed a 2018 budget (Oct 1 2017 - Sept 30 2018), we have been operating under a series of “continuing resolutions” of the final Obama budget since Sept 30.

This is from 2006.

He’s 71 years old, eats fast food every day, thinks exercise is unhealthy, was never too smart to begin with, and has the most stressful job in the world. His body’s gonna start failing him sooner rather than later

I know this can be construed as ageist, but we REALLY need to have a precedent for regularly screening congitive issues im our lawmakers. This is a job where being fully mentally functional and present is essential.

For the record:

Anybody who has paid any attention to Trump understands that you have to kiss his ass and then he will love you. Period. He needs that validation. You can see the world leaders who are playing this game. Well done them. I personally can not wait until the memoirs are written and everyone one of these guys talks about