
Bernie says: “I’m honored to join the women at the front lines of our struggle for economic, social, racial and environmental justice.”

But not reproductive justice? No, never reproductive justice. Bernie’s always happy to ignore inconvenient things, like everything that isn’t Wall Street or free college. Fuck that

I know it’ll never sink in for him, but that horrible, panicky night he finally just had, when he was emailing his colleagues, realizing that his life was fucked: that’s how he made women feel every damn day.

“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

I do a lot of neuropsych evals which includes IQ testing, which means I should know better than anyone not to do this, but I’m gonna anyway.

The fact that he’s challenging anyone to an IQ test automatically knocks off 20 points.

Oh, hey, I’d been wondering about this...! Since California is, like, BURNING and shit, I was curious about whether or not we’d get any world-leader attention, y’know, like the way the hurricane people do? But no, nobody’s speaking up. Not a single tweet out of Twitler or Congress or Hollywood or anyone else... not

Maybe 10 years ago it was 100.

I’d say that’s roughly where he started out, but an intractable personality disorder and encroaching Alzheimer’s have decreased it quite a bit since then.

Look, your insecurity and fear are your feelings. Everyone has a right to their feelings. Your behavior is a different matter and that is what sexual harassment is, behavior. Not thoughts or feelings. Feel however you want to. Think however you want to think. But if you behave in ways that undermine the success of

Not to mention the CO5 case is a pretty bad example cnsiderrjng the female victim didn’t accuse them, a bunch racist MALE cops did.

Oh boo fucking hoo. We men have it a million fucking times easier. Every single woman here on Jezebel has gone through so much more shit than I ever have and ever will. Have some fucking sympathy, man.

Wow. I think you managed an even worse take than the one The Onion mocked.

I’m merely pointing out that men being extra careful around women in the workplace is a precaution for men.

Motherfucker please.

but any rational person knows that some people lie to get ahead

On CBS Sunday Morning yesterday, Ivana said that she’s on good terms with Melania (but she won’t even utter Marla’s name). If that’s true, then this is just pure Trumpian marketing (what’s a better reality show distraction than a Giudice style catfight?).

Praise the tiny baby Jesus that we don’t have the Clintons and their family drama in the White House. Can you even imagine? Whew! Bullet dodged.

I’m a married woman in a male dominated field. I have eaten dinner with a man one on one on business trips but one dinner that really sticks out to me is when a colleague and I wrapped up a huge successful project and wanted to celebrate. I suggested a quick bite, he wanted to go all out so we went to a nice

I had a really disturbing conversation with a friend who said she would not “allow” her husband to have dinner with young female colleagues. Aside from the fact that she apparently can’t trust her husband if he’s off-leash, that is the kind of shit that holds women back at work. People really can work together without

You know what you call a woman harassed at work who didn’t report it? EMPLOYED.