
Unfortunately, I get the feeling that Flynn is being “persuaded” to testify by the WH so that he can throw some non-participant or low level operative under the bus. I hate that I’ve become so incredibly suspicious about every fucking thing the Trump people do.

Note that the Congressional Review Act can only be used for rules issued fewer than 60 legislative working days prior—which means May 2016 or later. To be sure, the Obama Administration issued a shitload of rules during its lame duck period, but it also issued a ton during the preceding 7 years that can’t be touched.

Did Nunes work for the president when Obama was in office?

Here’s the big breaking news!

The Nunes fiasco has had my stomach turning all week. But hey! Looks like the bottom’s gonna fall out soon.

Oh, don’t worry about that. He just misspoke. I’m more concerned that you apparently still think words have meaning.

Regardless of your color this IS a forum for you and everyone, but especially people like you who “get it” or who are trying to learn and grow. Don’t despair. Those of us who deal with this shit every day of our lives recognize that things are no worse than before November. It is just that the spotlights are on

I feel despair in every corner of my body. The Republicans are a hate group and must be regarded as such. Also I would like to thank Ivanka, Melania, Kellyanne, and Karen. It has always been women such as yourselves which have helped prop up the patriarchy over and over again.

JFC. He’s a fucking congressman and he doesn’t know how congress works.

Trump and Kushner are in the real estate business. So they should understand how condominiums work.

I couldn’t believe that fucknut Kushner called us customers.

Answerable to the American people? Ha! The failing American people have gotten in the way of effective government for too long. Sad!

Didn’t you hear? We’re running government like a business now! Trump is the almighty CEO, congressmen are his workers, and we the voters are just the constantly shafted consumers.

Now playing

“You have to keep in mind who he [Congressman Devin Nunes] works for. He works for the President and answers to the President.”

I don’t remember my mom being friends with the parents of any of my friends, and it didn’t even occur to me that she should be. It’s hard enough to find friends without the added pressure of aligning social circles with your child.

Despite loving Obama, he’s partly to blame for this as well. He wanted to take the high road and appear to remain impartial in the election, so he chose to not press the matter (even though they all knew Russia was leaking info to hurt Hillary and pumping fake news and propaganda into our social media), because he

It also implies that every vagina is fair game. There is no granularity to this. I could maybe excuse someone passing on lunch with Sofia Vergara, because duh, but writing off everyone from an entire subset is the definition of discrimination.

It’s also a worldview that implicitly says that women have no place at the table because men can’t be held responsible for their actions in the presence of a woman, regardless of her intent.

It’s not only a worldview that (unless Mike Pence is enough of a weirdo that he doesn’t do any of this social/professional stuff with dudes either) excludes women in the man’s professional sphere from receiving the same socially-derived career benefits as men in equivalent positions.

Weird so many of these conservative guys fuck all their male friends after they grab a bite to eat.