
This is for anyone who still thinks that economic distress is what put Trump in the White House, despite all the evidence to the contrary. People voted for Trump because of “cultural anxiety,” which is a nice way of saying that they’re racist xenophobes who can’t stand the idea that “their” country is no longer

I am an atheist but I hope that there is a hell in situations like this, and I hope those fucking guards burn in it forever.

Why is anyone in jail for simple cocaine possession anymore?


Mr Comey, it is possible for Russia to have had direct contact with the Clinton campaign while our brave soldiers and ambassador were under attack in Benghazi, yes or yes? - Gowdy Clown

Gowdy is a fucking moron that needs to be dropped into a live volcano. Head first. Slowly.

Like dude, she’s just not that into you. Give it up.

They’re already asking if Russia could have been colluding with Clinton as well, or if FBI found out, would they investigate it “as hard”.

It amazes me that New York keeps sending a known terrorist to Congress. Peter King doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he spent years raising money in the United States that was sent to the IRA - which means he was helping to fund bombings and violence against our close ally the United Kingdom - yet he sits up

That was how things started out with Nixon, too. The Republicans tried to stand by him for awhile, but as the evidence became more damning, they started abandoning their support (to save their own hides).

A little bit younger, but, yes, really taking me back. I can almost hear my late mother and late grandmother screaming at each other in the kitchen.

And fuck this asshole (please, Long Island, enough!) trying to frame the leaks as the crime rather than the truths exposed by the leaks...

Why the F is he still having rallies? Do the trumpers not realize that’s odd?

This is fucking huge. Now imagine what the GOP would be doing if it was President Clinton under active investigation for this. They’d be crawling over their own children to investigate her.

These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitors.

They don’t hang out anymore. They are running around making youtube videos, taking random pics for their instagram and twitter accounts and spending hours watching netflix and updating their tumblr pages.

So where do bored teenagers hang out these days?

Especially since lots of people get visas, come here legally, and then just overstay their time. Hard for a wall to prevent that.

They won’t be voted out. Have you been paying attention? This fucking guy got voted into office because people wanted this. Millions and millions of voters wanted this. I wish you were right; sadly, I think not.