
Hmmm - a very good point, thanks. Makes me feel better about Obama as a person, but also worse because he’s really not gonna do anything to stop this train wreck.

Every single poll forecast had her steamrolling him in the popular and electoral vote, and she was working on earning a mandate. (And if not for those 80k votes in voter-suppressed swing states, she would have had it with her popular vote lead.) How DARE she reach out to voters who aren’t usually reached by democratic

Just glance above the headline on this page and you shall see an ad for said television program.

You’re right, that’s the way he seems to calculate the situation. And his apparent fair circumspection is getting us into trouble.

Literary joke!

His greatest strength that raised him to power (believing in the best of everyone, compromise, and the strength of American democracy to effect change) is also his greatest weakness (believing the best in everyone is actively harmful when they keep showing that they are trying their hardest to dismantle a fair system

Naaaah, he acted as maliciously as he could with Obama as his boss. This is a man who built his career investigating Whitewater, he desperately wanted to bring the Clintons down. If you look at that Congressional hearing the Republicans dragged him into over the email thing through that lens, his entire defense was

okay cool, you’re learning! You’re probably better off not engaging than falling back on some lazy thought like “both sides do it” anyway

Honestly, that “both sides” BS is truly exhausting. The GOP is historically corrupt right now, as a whole party, in a way that they have completely abandoned honesty, propriety, and any level of public shame. KingDance laid it out for you. And still... you bring up Flint??? Seriously?? There were a couple of low level

Trying to call, as requested, and getting a busy signal. Hoping that’s a good sign...

Watch them try their damnedest to spin the protest as a march of support for President Trump’s administration.

Lost to Carrie Underwood.

I have a personal conspiracy theory that Tiffany was responsible for mailing that old tax return to the press. Plus her RNC speech was a masterwork of subtle shadiness, considering that literally the nicest thing she said about her father was that he called her once when a friend of hers died. Not sure if she belongs

Some of these I agree with 100%, some are deserving of this shit talk in the comments, but regardless, it was nice to celebrate some ladies! Thoughts: I was delighted to be reminded of Johari’s love of reading and the plagiarism of Melania’s outfit at the DNC. We don’t deserve Michele Obama and we never will.

Or these ladies!

Every time someone says “4 years,” I think they’re being naive. Anyone who thinks we get to have a free and fair election in 2020 with a chance to change leadership is being naive. Once a fascist is in, he never leaves. There will still be lots of money for him and his buddies to make. And I don’t say that to be mean

My theory is that it ties into that idea of genetic superiority that is indoctrinated into all the Trumps. Fred passed it down to Donald, Donald has passed it to his own kids, they’re CLEARLY passing it to their kids. It makes sense for him to listen to his kids, because as Trumps, they are superior to just about

I was just telling a friend the other day that it is my belief that the American who has most personally benefitted from the outcome of this presidential election is W. His legacy would have been somewhere in the league of Hoover or Buchanan, but through the orange tinted hindsight of the Trump presidency, W will be