Fuck Ryan Lochte, WE MISS YOU EGR!!!!
You’re right - Ricky is the exception that proves the rule of how brilliant Larry’s correspondents are. And I hope he goes to rehab soon, it’s clear he needs help.
oh no someone might hack Jezebel and see this article and all the comments that we have secretly stored on the world wide web? that hurts my feelings
no :-/
(I still have my SNES!)
I answered that down thread! :-)
Thanks! Easy - it’s a basic IKEA 6x6 foot bookshelf. It is a bitch and a half to assemble and then to move, but totally worth it.
I wouldn’t say I couldn’t stand the third, but yeah, the first two were much better... I loved the whole series. I’ve recommended it to so many people.
holy shit lol thank you for giving me the opportunity to look that up:
He basically already did when he said that the debate schedule (arranged well over a year ago by a nonpartisan commission) was designed to benefit her because she didn’t want people to watch them.
No I didn’t! I got it from a dollar store when I was like 19 lol! But I wish I had thought of buying a few more for just that purpose, now that you mention it...
I used to keep the Harry Potter books together, but that became inconvenient. So now I only keep together the ASOIAF books and the Tales from the City books together, because rainbow colors. Not sure if you’re familiar with Deborah Harkness’s All Souls trilogy for instance, but there are two blue books and one green…
Oh my personal favorite was when Ivanka promised equal pay and childcare.