
I hope this isn’t settled out of court, and I hope there’s a public trial for the suit. (Any lawyers that can weigh in on the possibilities?) She is the most high-profile woman in the most credible position I can think of, ever, to prove sexual harassment in the workplace. Her experience can be an informal case study

I was reading the New Republic one the other day, and I kept thinking to myself, “haven’t I read this before?” So I checked the post date, and nope, it was brand new. And the reason it felt so familiar is because if I have to read one more fucking Two Americas piece... no, this is one America, warts and all, and Trump

I cannot wait to find out where Megyn Kelly is in this mess.

But see, even though Wyoming’s electoral college votes will definitely go red, your vote DOES count even so much more than mine, even though my state (CA) will go blue. BECAUSE proportionally to the population, you’re way overrepresented in the electoral college and I’m way underrepresented. So from where I sit, your

As someone with super coarse/thick, long, red color-treated hair, yes to all of this, and I would add:

Only 2 ‘flaunt’s????


Conway is already a fixture on Chris Matthews’ show on MSNBC. This is slightly scary to me, because she comes off as totally intelligent and reasonable until she calmly says something entirely insane, whereas Pierson always seems like she took too many caffeine pills or something.

oo yes good idea I’ll put it on his to-do list

That’s what I’m saying!

We should create a VP Emeritus position just for Joe... like, we’ll have a real VP, but he can pop into whatever the current administration is any time he likes and just like, make some jokes, give some advice about working with the Senate, put his foot in his mouth, and then leave for the day.

I think the important thing is we can all agree that Massholes are the worst of all of us!

I didn’t say men are evil. I said Kanye doesn’t care about women.

(I didn’t get it at first either.)

It’s not a good look to Ye, because every time you write about this rapist, they gonna mention Kanye.

She turned the job down before they offered it to him.

Yes Christy, the “horribly tragic” thing would be if you couldn’t “protect” your family. Horribly tragic. Fuck OFF

Me too, and I’m single and middle class. I’ve definitely given more than that to charity. Also I used to work for a company that did 2-to-1 matching funds, so they gave more than that on my behalf.

And Walder Frey and all his sons (thanks Arya!)